Performing Arts Pedagogy
All true education is not learning; it is an awakening. (...) We go from darkness to light. () True education will always be a treasure for both teachers and students at the same time.
Joan Mascaró
I like to teach because I like to learn and to share. I carry on the legacy I received from the modern and active pedagogy of the New School in my education at the Garbí School, where the person, the arts and the community were three fundamental pillars.
I have always reserved part of my professional life for teaching and pedagogy. This facet has developed in step with the evolution of my interests, my personal pursuits and the different strategies I have employed over the years.
The C.A.P (Postgraduate in Education, 1993), the philosophy of IOGA, and later the PAE (Postgraduate in Spiritual Accompaniment, 2016) together with short courses have all been very supportive tools for my pedagogical work.
I have taught contemporary dance, creative dance, basic technique and body alignment for over twenty years in specialized or generalist private centers.
The History of Dance was my gateway to pedagogy in the formal education of performing arts at the Institut del Teatre (1998).
Since then, my teaching has focused on subjects related to the Humanities and Social Sciences, as they are spaces for reflection and tools for action and innovation between the performing arts and society. Because of my dual profile, I have been able to work at all levels of formal and nonformal education in the performing arts, from the Professional Degree in Dance to the Doctorates in Performing Arts. This gives me a broad view of vocational training, higher education, professional reality and research and innovation in the performing arts.
Professional Degree
Post-Secondary Studies
Accompany the viewer, give clues to broaden their perspectives whether through writing, recommending materials, or round-tables and debates.
Pre and Post Function.
Round-tables and debates.
Program notes and reviews.
1. Docència reglada en arts escèniques
Professional degree.
EESA/CPD. Professional Dance Conservatory of the Institut del Teatre.
Since 1998 I have been teaching the subject of Dance History in the Professional Degree of the Institut del Teatre.
In a world and time of accelerated change, it is a challenge to lead future dancers on their first journey into the phenomenon of dance throughout history. It is a duty to make dance a dialogue with its historical context: the thought, aesthetics and discourse that are embodied in each age as well as stored in the collective memory.
This experience led to a collaboration with Mahali on the text of Historia de la danza II.
-During the academic years 2008-2011, I also worked at the Integrated School as a teacher of Social Sciences and Tutor of the 2nd year of Secondary Studies.
Some of the legacies I am proud of are proposing a transversal approach to Cultural History, and promoting Synthesis Credits at the MAE.
It’s an honor to keep in touch with former students who are choreographers and dancers at the National Ballet, IT dance, and all across Europe.
I have been part of the CSD team since 2008.
I teach the subjects of Dance History in Spain, Theoretical and Practical Analysis of the Repertoire. Design and Project Management and Applied Management.
I enjoy working on projects and reinforcing students’ autonomous and creative work.
Two of the major projects carried out in the pedagogical field are Crea Dansa i el Transversal.
In 2013 I joined the MUET team, Master’s Degree in Theater Studies, teaching the subject of Dance Research Methodologies.
- An enriching, motivating space for local and international students to start their research journey.
- A pipeline of enthusiasts dedicated to innovative research and practice of movement and dance.
Tutor of completed thesis:
(2010) Fàbrega and Gorriz, Jordi. Interpretation in dance: a pedagogical proposal to create stage life through movement. UAB / Institut del Teatre. Dir.Ester Vendrell.
Book published in the format of a pedagogical proposal.
Tutor of current theses:
- Laura Alcalà. Formulation and rationale of a pedagogical methodology of dance for a performer’s profile in the context of the subject Dance PerformanceTechniques in the University Degree in Performing Arts (GAE) of the ERAM and the UDG. (Provisional title).
-Salvador. Sanchez. Counting flamenco: new dramaturgies from
Flamenco on the contemporary stage
2. Spectator pedagogy
Accompany the viewer, give clues to broaden their perspectives whether through writing, recommending materials, or round-tables and debates.
Blog Mercat de les Flors:
-Merce Cunningham's program.Ballet de Lorraine.
Chotto Xenos. Akram Khan Dance.
Fractus V, Eastman, Sidi Larbi.
- Impro, Shantala Shivalingapa i Savall.
- Thre Times Rebel, Marina Mascarell.
- Venezuela, Batsheva Dance Company
- La piel del huevo te lo da. Sol Picó
- No sin mis huesos. Iron Skulls.
Program notes
Pre and Post Function.
Collaboration with DBdansa in accompanying the audience pre and post function:
- Introduction to Merce Cunningham's program. CNC. Ballet Lorraine.
- Post-function amb la Cia Mal Pelo sobre El cinquè Hivern. Mercat de les Flors, febrer 2016.
- Post-function with Marina Mascarell Three times rebel.
- Introduction to Sidi Larbi Chercaoui's Eastman Company with Fractus V. 2016
- Pre function about Olelés de Jordi Cortés i Damián Muñoz. 2015
- Pre-Function with Roser López' company withTrama.2019
Round-tables and debates
Sismògraf 2018.
- Dancing between public sphere, landscape and architecture: Catalonia from recent past to present. Fira Tanzmesse, Dusseldorf. Agost 2018.
- Conferència/estat de la qüestió: Terratrèmol…I erupcions. En el context del Festival Sismògraf de dansa 2018.
- “El Ballet clàssic a Catalunya”. Taula rodona organitzada pel 1er Concurs nacional de dansa clàssica de Sitges. 2010.
- Taula rodona entorn el Teatre-dansa. Mercat de les Flors. Setembre 2008.
- "Cuando la danza entra en escena”. Feria de Artes Escénicas de Santiago de Compostela. Organitzador per COFAE.2009.
- "Historia de la danza en España. ISA.” Instituto Superior de las Artes. La Habana. Cuba. Setembre 2006.
- Isadora Duncan. Biblioteca Clarà. Barcelona 2001.
Program notes and reviews
- Vendrell (2008) “Els fruits d’un terreny fèrtil”. Nederlans danse Theatre. Programa de mano del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Temporada 2008-2009.
---------------“La dansa com expressió de vida”. Ballet de Sao Paulo. Programa de mano del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Temporada 2008-2009.
- Vendrell (2008)“ .“In Memoriam”. Assaig de Teatre. Núm 66-67. 2008. (pp 233-241).
-“Merecido reconocimiento a una trayectoria para Mar Gómez”. Danza en escena, nº 20, junio 2008, (pp 12-13).
-“Maurice Béjart profeta de la dansa”. Programa de mà del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Temporada 2007-08.
-”Meditació compartida” i ”1+1=Sacred Mounsters”, en Assaig de Teatre nº60-61, setembre-desembre 2007.
-“El Ballet de Sta. Coloma. Companyia David Campos”. Danza Escena .Febrero 2007
-“Més clar que obscur. It dansa”, en Assaig de Teatre nos 54-55 Setembre 2006. (pp 351-354).
-Vendrell (2006) Quan menys és més”, en Assaig de Teatre nº 54-55 Setembre 2006. (pp.355-356)
-“Tendre homenatge a les Margarites anònimes” en Assaig de Teatre nos 54-55 Setembre 2006 (pp 361-362.
“Chita...empresonada” en Assaig de Teatre nos 54-55 Setembre 2006. (pp 363-364). En linea link
“Three de Batsheva dance Company. Tres encerts” i ”En clau política” en Assaig de Teatre nos 50-51, Marzà 2006 .
-“25 años de danza en el Centre Cultural Caixa Terrassa”. Danza en Escena. Nº 11,febrero-marzo 2006. (p. 26).
-“Sense alè”, “Finks”, “Conjució total. Isabella’s room” en Assaig de Teatre.Revista noº48-49. Desembre 2005
-“Dansa al Grec 20003.Bona Programació i resultats”. Revista Musical Catalana nº229,2003. (pp.40-42).
-“L’Aposta del Teatre Lliure”, Revista Musical Catalana, nº 223, 2003, pp. (42-43).
-“Crítiques”; Revista Musical Catalana, nº 223,2003. (pp. 17-24).
-“Anna Ventura i The Female Macbeth”, Revista Musical Catalana, nº 220,2003, (pp.. 38-40).
-“Crítiques”, Revista Musical Catalana, nº 219, 2003. (p.19-25).
-“Angel Corella: Una estrella amb molt d’àngel”, Revista Musical Catalana, nº 218, 2002.(ps 34-35).
“Temporada de dansa 2002-2003. Sense Sorpreses”. Revista Musical Catalana, nº 217, 2002,(pp 40-41).
-“Dansa al festival de Perelada”. Revista Musical Catalana. Nº 216, 2002, (pp 42-43).
-“L’Espai 10 anys de dansa”. Revista Musical Catalana, n º215 (pp. 42-43).
-“Exit sense operacions mediàtiques . Sol Picó recull els fruits”. Revista Musical Catalana , nº 213-214, 2002, (pp. 44-45).
-“Primavera de dansa al TNC”, Revista Musical Catalana, nº 211, 2002 (pp. 35-39).
-“L’animal a l’esquena”. Revista Musical Catalana. Nº 209, 2002, (p. 40-41).
-“Catherine Allard-IT Dansa.Una jove companyia i un projecte educatiu”: Revista Musical Catalana. Nº 207, 2001 (pp. 48-50).
-“Nous camins en l’experimentació”.Revista Musical Catalana. Nº 206, 2001 (pp. 52).
-“Panorama d’una temporada no gaire prometedora”. Revista Musical Catalana. Nº 205,2001, (pp. 48-49).
-“La dècada dels noranta” a AAVV: “La dansa a Catalunya “. Serra d’or. Genero 2002.
-“Pisando fuerte... General Eléctrica”. Escena, nº 58, 1999 . (pp. 50).
-”La la la human Steps y DV8 . Danza con personalidad”. Escena. nº 54, 1998, (pp. 24-25).
-“Citas de un baile sin tiempo”. Escena nº 53, 1998, (pp. 50).
-“Entrevista a Àngels Margarit”. Escena, nº 51,1998, (p12).
-“Barcelona en danza con el Grec”. Escena nº 51,1998,(p 10).
-“La dulce provocación de Pina”. Escena nº, 50-51,1998, (pp. 13)
-“El regreso de la niña Pina”. Escena , nº 49, 1998, (pp. 16).
-“Danza en Barcelona”. Escena nº 48, 1998, (pp. 24).
-“Paisajes después de la guerra”. Escena, nº 36, 1997, (pp. 15).
-“Por una compañía de danza en el Liceu”. Escena, nº 29, 1996,(pp. 18)
-“Gelabert/Azzopardi, Bubulus, danat y Ullate. Geografía danzante.” En Escena, nº 28,1996, (pp.22-23).
-“Programación Dansa València”. Escena, nº 27, (pp., 18).
-“Metros presenta...” y “Espacio Surreal” e. Escena, nº 26, 1996 (pp. 76 y 79.
-“La Ventura cinematográfica”. Escena, nº 24, 1995, (p. 53).
-“Festival Madrid en danza” y “L’Espai obre les seves portes....”.Escena, nº 20, 1995,(pp 27).
-“Kibbutz Contemporany dance Company”. Escena, nº 18, 1995,(pp.20-21).
-“El tàndem de José de Udaeta-Arsis Ballet de Cambra”. Escena, nº 16-17, 1994-1995,(pp. 43-46).
-“Tanz-Forum. Una companyia , un estil”. Escena , nº 15, 1995, (pp. 52-53).